Discursive essays are argumentative essays that require a person to take a stand on a topic. The goal of a discursive essay is to present a well-rounded argument on a given topic. In order to do this, a person must first research the topic and gather all of the relevant information. After that, the person must organize the information in a logical manner and present it in a clear and concise way. Finally, the person must argue for their position and refute any opposing arguments. If you are struggling with writing a discursive essay, particularly on a business topic, considering utilizing a business essay writing service.

Understanding the Purpose of a Discursive Essay

A discursive essay is a piece of writing that discusses a particular topic. It is a type of essay that is often used in academic settings, and it can be helpful to understand its purpose before you begin writing.

The purpose of a discursive essay is to discuss a topic from a variety of perspectives. The goal is to provide a well-rounded view of the topic, and to allow readers to form their own opinions on the issue.

In order to write a discursive essay, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the topic. Then, you’ll need to gather information from a variety of sources. You’ll also need to be able to present different sides of the issue in a balanced way.

Finally, you’ll need to write a conclusion that provides your own opinion on the topic. Be sure to back up your opinion with evidence from your research.

Choosing a Controversial Topic

When you are writing a discursive essay, it is important to choose a controversial topic that will generate a lot of discussion. A good way to do this is to think about current events or hot-button issues that people are passionate about.

Once you have a topic, you need to do some research to make sure you are well-informed. You should also come up with a strong thesis statement that will guide your argument.

Next, you need to come up with a strong argument in support of your thesis. Make sure to use evidence to back up your points. You should also refute any opposing arguments.

In the conclusion, you should restate your thesis and summarize your argument.

Organizing Your Discursive Essay

A discursive essay is a piece of non-fiction writing that discusses a particular topic. A discursive essay is different from a persuasive essay because it is not meant to persuade the reader to agree with a particular point of view. Instead, a discursive essay is meant to introduce the reader to a range of different viewpoints on a topic.

The first step in writing a discursive essay is to choose a topic. The topic should be something that is controversial or that has a range of different viewpoints. Once you have chosen a topic, you need to do some research so that you can become familiar with the different viewpoints on the topic.

Once you have a good understanding of the different viewpoints on the topic, you can start to organize your essay. The easiest way to organize a discursive essay is to discuss each viewpoint in turn. You can start by stating the viewpoint and then providing a brief summary of the arguments for and against the viewpoint.

Once you have discussed all of the viewpoints, you can then offer your own opinion on the topic. This is your chance to state which viewpoint you agree with and why. You should also be prepared to defend your opinion against any arguments that the other viewpoints may put forward.

Finally, you should conclude your essay by summarizing the different viewpoints that you have discussed and by stating your opinion once again.

Presenting Balanced Arguments

Discursive essays present balanced arguments, exploring different sides of an issue. They can be helpful in understanding complex topics, and in making decisions. In order to write a discursive essay effectively, you need to be able to present both sides of an issue fairly and objectively.

When writing a discursive essay, you should start by introducing the topic. Then, you should present both sides of the issue, giving each side equal weight. Next, you should provide your own argument, supported by evidence. Finally, you should discuss the implications of your argument.

When writing a discursive essay, it is important to be objective and unbiased. You should avoid using emotionally charged language, and you should not take sides. Instead, you should present the facts and allow the reader to make their own decisions.

Addressing Counterarguments

When writing a discursive essay, it is important to address any potential counterarguments to your position. This can be done by either directly addressing the counterarguments in your essay, or by noting them and then moving on.

Addressing counterarguments is important because it shows that you have considered the other side of the argument and that your position is not based on ignorance. It also helps to weaken the counterargument by showing that it has been considered and found to be unconvincing.

There are a few different ways to address counterarguments in your essay. The most common way is to present the counterargument, then refute it. You can also present the counterargument and then concede it, or present it and then show that it is irrelevant to the argument.

No matter how you choose to address the counterargument, it is important to be clear and concise. You should also make sure that your refutation is logical and convincing. If you are unable to refute the counterargument, it is best to concede it and move on.

Refining Your Discursive Essay for Clarity and Impact

A discursive essay is a piece of writing that discusses a particular topic at length. It covers all aspects of the topic and provides a well-rounded argument for or against it. Because a discursive essay requires such a comprehensive approach, it can be a challenging assignment for students. However, if you take the time to refine your essay for clarity and impact, you can produce a well-written and convincing argument.

One of the most important things to remember when writing a discursive essay is to make your argument clear and easy to follow. Be sure to state your position early on in the essay, and then back it up with evidence and reasoning. If your essay is difficult to follow, or if the reader is unclear about your position, you will not be able to make a strong argument.

In addition, it is important to make your essay interesting and engaging. Use strong evidence, vivid examples, and interesting facts to capture your reader’s attention. If your essay is boring or dry, the reader will be less likely to take your argument seriously.

Finally, be sure to edit and proofread your essay thoroughly. A well-written essay is polished and professional, and it reflects positively on your argument. If your essay is sloppy or riddled with errors, the reader will be less likely to take you seriously.

By following these tips, you can write a discursive essay that is clear, concise, and convincing.


  • amyfox

    I'm Amy Fox and I'm a 33-year-old educational blogger. I've been writing about education for about 10 years now, and I love sharing my knowledge and insights with other educators and parents. I'm a huge fan of using technology to help make learning more accessible and fun, and I'm always looking for new ways to improve my blog and make it the best resource for learning about education.

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