Formation, Uses And Production Of Diorite

Majority of people across the globe believe that prostitution must be treated as an offense. You may be one of those people. My opinion is that it should not be illegal. You might disagree. This essay may change your mind. While most people think prostitution is disgusting or immoral or unladylike, others believe that it’s sinful. Some people object to prostitution for health reasons. There is truth to all this. However, I want to convince you that legalizing the prostitution industry would be beneficial for society as a whole as well as the individual prostitutes. The ‘worlds’ oldest profession’ is prostitution, and there’s a good reason for that – women’s bodies have been available to trade throughout history. It would happen even if prostitution was made illegal in all countries. In many countries drugs are prohibited, but they’re still made. Drugs are still illegal in my opinion, as they have serious health effects. Tax revenue would also be increased if prostitution was legalized. Sex workers would have to get a job licence and their income could be taxed. Prostitution is also a lucrative job. Some earn over $3,000 a month. Legalizing prostitution would not only make money for the government, but it could help some people save money. Prostitution is illegal in many countries. Authorities spend billions each year to try and prevent it. The government could save money by legalizing prostitution instead of trying to stop it.

Legalizing the prostitution industry can improve the health of sexual workers. The majority of sexworkers contract STDs. They are not able to get medical treatment if they’re detained. They may be embarrassed to ask for help because prostitution can be a stigmatizing activity. Most sexworkers denied treatment in US. If prostitution was legalized, sex workers would not be afraid to seek medical attention. Sex workers would need to be helped by services. Kate Shannon’s research shows that decriminalizing sexual work can reduce HIV infections from 33 to 46 per cent over the coming decade. It would be a big difference for the sex industry. CNN revealed that Nevada required’monthly testing for HIV/syphilis. Sex workers should also insist on condom use from their patrons. Since 1988, when the Nevada rules were implemented, no HIV infections have occurred and STDs are at a very low rate. This shows how STD rates could be reduced if prostitution is legalized. Prostitution would not only make sexworkers healthier, but also give them employment rights. Employment rights are available to every citizen. Sex workers, however, do not have employment protections because they’re not licensed. Some employment benefits include the rights to a National Minimal Wage, Rest Breaks, and Protection against Discrimination. These rights can be of great help to sex workers. If sexworkers are harassed or abused (or raped, etc.), they cannot get help. This means that if sex workers are harassed, abused, raped etc. The worker cannot take action if the sex worker is underpaid. Because a job is disgusting or vile, that doesn’t make it illegal.

Legalizing prostitution would also help to reduce violent crime and sexual crimes. Rape is committed for a variety of reasons. Some people decide to rape in order to satisfy a sexual need. If prostitution was legalized, brothels would be open. If prostitution is legalized, brothels could be opened. It is their right to do so. In a Rhodes Island report, it was shown that the number and incidence of rapes in the state decreased by 31% when prostitution became legal by accident from 1980 to 2009. The crime of prostitution has no victims. Except where they have been forced, kidnapped and trafficked. Prostitutes usually offer their services willingly. Why is it illegal? Prostitution is a profession that the prostitute chose. I think that people should be allowed to choose what occupation they want and not judged for it. It is possible that some people are forced to perform sexwork due to lack of money, education, or unemployment. Prostitution can also be a lucrative job. If you upload porn to the internet, then it is legal and seen as normal. So why should sexworkers be shamed and treated illegally when they do prostitution in secret? Many people choose to work in sex because of poverty. The reason is that it’s hard to leave, especially when you have to support a family. Many people will do anything to support their families, even if it means giving up their bodies. It is also true that people are different. Some citizens will never work in sex and others do not. Some people believe that sex only belongs in marriage, while other think it’s a good thing to do at any time. I’m saying that no person should be judged solely on the basis of their actions. This includes rapists, killers etc. ).

This essay was written to convince you that legalizing prostitution is a good idea. You have seen that prostitution is not as bad as it’s perceived to be. The pros and the cons of legalization must be weighed up.


  • amyfox

    I'm Amy Fox and I'm a 33-year-old educational blogger. I've been writing about education for about 10 years now, and I love sharing my knowledge and insights with other educators and parents. I'm a huge fan of using technology to help make learning more accessible and fun, and I'm always looking for new ways to improve my blog and make it the best resource for learning about education.

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